The Ultimate Guide to Bi Cast Leather

November 28, 2022 3 min read

The Ultimate Guide to Bi Cast Leather

All About Bi-cast Leather

Bi-cast leather is a type of leather that is made from the combination of two types of materials. It is usually a blend of real and synthetic leather.

Bi-cast leather is made by first splitting the hide into two layers, the outer layer and the inner layer. The outer layer has a surface that is covered with polyurethane that can be dyed, embossed, or printed on while the inner layer cannot be dyed or printed on. The two layers are then pressed together with heat and pressure to form one piece of Bi-cast leather. Bi-cast leather is also called laminated leather or reconstituted leather. In some places, this material is also called leatherette. It can be produced at a much lower cost than traditional leather and can be used to make anything from shoes, belts, wallets and handbags to furniture and car seats.

Appearance of Bi-cast leather

The appearance of Bi-cast leather can be much similar to real leather. It is so because it can be embossed to look exactly like the top grain of real leather. It may be glossier than real leather. Real leather does not have a uniform appearance, but Bi-cast leather will have a uniform appearance.

Durability of Bi-cast leather

The strength of Bi-cast leather depends on the thickness of the material and the thickness determines durability. It also depends on how well it was tanned during processing. It has the properties of both natural leather as well as polyurethane material. But since it is partially processed leather it lacks the durability and strength of natural leather. It is not as breathable as natural leather.  It may split and crack with about 8 months of use not like real leather that lasts for 20 years with proper care. Also, real leather becomes more supple with use. it is not so with real leather.

Advantages of Bi-cast leather

The chief advantage of Bi-cast leather is the price. It is much more economic than real leather. It can be dyed just like any other type of synthetic material. It also has a more uniform surface, which makes it easier to manufacture. This makes it good for materials that need to have a uniform appearance.

Disadvantages of Bi-cast leather

Bi-cast leather does not have the same durability as natural leather because the polyurethane or latex layer will eventually crack and peel off. It also cannot be repaired like natural leather can because there are no holes for stitching through the surface layer. If you want goods that last, Bi-cast leather is not suitable for you as it becomes dull after long periods regular use, it can crack easily and the scratches on the surface deepen with time. Also, it does not develop a beautiful patina with use.


Briefly, Bi-cast leather is not suitable for products which need durability, flexibility and strenuous use. It is a cheaper alternative than real leather and has many uses. One needs to be careful when one is seeking products made of real leather. You can be easily deceived as Bi-cast leather is much similar to real leather. If you are looking for budget goods that resemble real leather than Bi-cast leather is an alternative for you.


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